Humanisasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Metode TEACCH pada Anak Autis


  • Beti Malia Rahma Hidayati Universitas Islam Tribakti Lirboyo
  • Novia Ayu Anggraeni Universitas Islam Tribakti Lirboyo
  • Sugianto Universitas Islam Tribakti Lirboyo


Humanization, TEACCH Method, Autistic Children


Humanization of learning emphasizes a responsive and inclusive learning environment and interpersonal relationships between teachers and students are very important for the development of children with autism. The TEACCH method is often used for educational interventions for autistic children in various schools. Without realizing it, SLB Bhakti Pemuda has implemented this method by structuring the school environment to support the learning and development of autistic children. This research aims to determine the learning process of autistic children at SLB Bhakti Pemuda Kediri City and to determine the application of the TEACCH method to autistic children at SLB Bhakti Pemuda Kediri City. The type of research used is field research, namely the author conducts research in the field to obtain data and information. This research uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach, namely the researcher describes the conditions that exist at the research location which are related to the research focus. The results of the research show that the humanization of learning at SLB Bhakti Pemuda Kediri City can be seen from the use of laptop media in mathematics learning for autistic children which is quite effective in supporting their development, although there are several obstacles. Teachers feel that the application of the TEACCH method, which involves environmental planning, has a positive impact on the development of autistic children in the teaching and learning process, such that students more easily accept instructions tailored to their needs and ability level which can increase understanding of the material that has been provided.


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How to Cite

Rahma Hidayati, B. M., Ayu Anggraeni, N., & Sugianto. (2024). Humanisasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Metode TEACCH pada Anak Autis. IDEA: Jurnal Psikologi, 8(1), 58–71. Retrieved from