of Public Power2023-08-20T06:11:27+07:00Khoiruddinkhoirudin.anas08@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p class="mb-0 text-dark"><strong>Journal of Public Power </strong>merupakan publikasi dalam Focus dan Scupe dibidang; Ekonomi Keuangan, Ekonomi Perbankan, Ekonomi Moneter, Ekonomi Industri, Perdagangan Internasional, Ekonomi Publik, dan Ilmu Ekonomi lainnya. Selain itu juga publikasi diluar bidang yang berdapak dengan Ekonomi secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.</p> <p>ISSN : 28089774 EISSN : 28072782 DOI : 10.32492</p> EFFECT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (P2SPP) THROUGH COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT ON POVERTY ALLEVIATION EFFORTS IN PETERONGAN DISTRICT, JOMBANG REGENCY2023-08-20T06:11:27+07:00Evan<p>The objectives to be achieved in this study were to determine the effect of the Participatory Development System Development Program (P2SPP), the National Community Empowerment Program (PNPM) and Village Fund Allocation (ADD) on poverty alleviation efforts in Peterongan District, Jombang Regency and to determine the efforts of local governments in poverty alleviation through community empowerment programs in Peterongan District. Pendekatan penelitian Quantitative research approach with case studies with secondary data obtained from District ADD data and analyzed with regression models. It was found that P2spp, PNPM and ADD programs have a significant influence in poverty alleviation efforts through community empowerment. From the calculation of regression analysis, it was obtained that the Add program variable (<sub>X3</sub>) has the greatest influence on poverty alleviation in Peterongan District, Kab. Jombang.</p>2023-08-20T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2023