Author Guidelines
Writing Guide
Some of the provisions that need to be considered by the authors of articles in the journal Sumbula set as the guidelines for writing articles as follows:
- Articles are conceptual and / or research results of religious, social and cultural studies that have not been published in other media either print or online.
- The article is written in standard Indonesian by using Garamond font, 12 point size with half space (1½), then sent in soft copy to Editorial Address Journal of Sumbula Faculty of Islamic Religion Darul 'Ulum University Jl. Gus Dur No. 29 A Jombang 61413 Tel. (0321) 853824 Fax. (0321) 874510 or by email: at least two months before the journal is published.
- Number of pages, including attachments and bibliography 15-25 pages (5000-9000 words).
- Name of the author of the article (without title, title or rank), accompanied by the name of the institution of work and e-mail address.
- The conceptual article contains the title, name and identity of the author, abstract (± 200 words), keyword, introduction (problem and scope), content or discussion, cover / conclusion, and bibliography.
- The article contains the title, name and identity of the author, abstract (± 200 words), keywords, introduction (problem and scope), research methods, research results, discussion, conclusions, and bibliography.
- If the article needs to display graphics, please do not display graphics using colors, but black and white (B / W)
- Writing footnotes and bibliography can be seen in the following example:
1Ira M. Lapidus, Sejarah Sosial Ummat Islam, terj. Ghufron A. Mas’udi (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 1988), p. 750
2â€Nurcholish yang Menarik Gerbongâ€, Tempo, 14 Juni 1984
3Muhammad Wildan, “The Response of Muslim Youths to the Political Attitude of the New Order†dalam Thaqâfiyyât: Jurnal Bahasa, Peradaban & Informasi Islam, Vol. 3, No. 1 Januari- Juni 2002, p. 158
4Ira M. Lapidus, Sejarah Sosial, p. 170
5 See more at www.pesantren
6The Encyclopaedia Britanica on CD-ROM (Deluxe Edition 2001)
7Interview with H.M. Zamroni, Al-Huda Pesantren Elder, on April 4, 2003.
8As quoted by Muhammad Abed Al Jabiri in Post Tradisionalisme Islam. (Yogyakarta: LKiS, 2000), p. 34
9Deliar Noer, Islam, Pancasila dan Asas Tunggal. (Jakarta: Yayasan Perkhidmatan, 1987a), p. 24
10Deliar Noor, Partai Islam di Pentas Nasional 1945-1966. (Jakarta: Graffiti Press, 1987b), p. 35
Feith, Herbert, The Decline of Constitutional Democracy in Indonesia (New York; Itacha, 1962)
Fyzee, A.A.A., Kebudayaan Islam (Asal-usul dan Perkembangannya), Terj. Syamsuddin Abdullah, (Yogyakarta; Bagus Arafah, 1982)
Gazalba, Sidi, Pengantar Sejarah Sebagai ilmu, (Jakarta; Bharata, 1981)
Gibb, H.A.R., Aliran-Aliran Modern Dalam Islam, (Jakarta; Rajawali Press, 1990)
Gibb, H.A.R., (eds.), The Encyclopaedia of Islam New Edition, (Leiden; E.J. Brill, 1986)
Graaf, H.J. de, dan Th. G. Th. Pigeud, Kerajaan-Kerajaan Islam di Jawa, (Jakarta; Grafiti Press, 1985)
_____, Disintegrasi Mataram di Bawah Amangkurat I, (Jakarta; Grafiti Press, 1987)